Critical Thinking and Metacognition: Processes and Outcomes within the Learning Cycles
Margaret Anna McMillan, Penelope Jane Little, Susie Yoon, Meeyoung Park
J Probl Based Learn. 2022;9(2):110-118.   Published online 2022 Oct 24     DOI:
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Online Learning Technology: Implications on Mental Health and Learning Outcomes of Students
Abdul Malik Made, Syahril Syahril, Waskito Waskito, Fadhli Ranuharja, Afif Rahman Riyanda, Margaretha Karolina Sagala, Daniel Rinaldi, Uswatul Hakim, Joseph Oluwaseyi, Angel Torres-Toukoumidis
Salud, Ciencia y TecnologĂ­a.2025; 5: 1309.     CrossRef